"This series was a surprise for me and I have enjoyed these books so far. I love the new people in this book and I can't wait to see what happens next." -- Aly, Riley Amos Reviews

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Rise of the Walker King

(Walking Between Worlds, Book II)

eBook $5.99  ISBN 978-0-9907280-5-4
Paperback $19.99
 ISBN 978-0-9907280-4-7

The Walking Between Worlds story continues…

The way of the demon hunter is finally beginning to make sense to Paul, as is the art of walking between worlds. He is forced to shoulder the heavy burden of leading this mighty army of immortals if they are to continue their vital secret work. Just when he needs her most, his love has been torn from his grasp. Rather than turn to his trusted Guide and best friend in his time of need, Paul turns away from him. Kris is left to wonder if the fire burning inside the new king will drive him to victory or madness.

War takes the army to Hell, and pits their forces against a sea of displaced demons. Lines are crossed, lives are lost, and the battles take heavy tolls on both sides. As light looms at the end of the treacherous tunnel leading to victory, the army emerges to a shaking realization: the light is dragon fire, and the war has only just begun.

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